Black mold (Stachybotrys), produces mycotoxins which have been used to make Biological weapons (T-2). Black mold can be found growing in thousands of homes in Florida.
The only difference between these biological weapons and the mycotoxins found in homes infested with toxic mold is the concentration level.
Biological weapons were used during the Vietnam war (1975-1981) and were known as “Yellow Rain.”
Yellow Rain was also used in Kampuchea, and used by the Soviet Union in Afghanistan (1979-1981), resulting in thousands of deaths.
Again during the Gulf War in 1991 Iraq used weapons containing T-2 mycotoxins.
The dangers of toxic black mold dates as far back as 538–332 BC (mentioned in the Book of Leviticus). Homes were that were found with this mold were tore down and removed from the city entirely.
In 1940, Russia started reporting humans becoming ill due to toxic black mold. Serious symptoms and health problems such as mental impairment, breathing problems and sometimes even death became known.
Several infants died from lung disease in Cleveland, Ohio after a flood. An investigation of their homes showed that toxic mold was growing in those homes. (1993-1994) Black mold and it’s dangers started coming to the public’s attention soon after.
Today mold is still a problem. “Sick building” has become a well known term. Mold infestation is one of the leading causes of sick building syndrome. Flooding and storms also making mold more widespread.
It is estimated that over 500 000 people in America die each year because of toxic black mold.
Signs of mold aren’t always very apparent. Symptoms due to mold exposure can be an early warning that there is a definite mold problem within a property. Simply doing air and swap samples (mold testing), in a home or commercial space, can identify whether or not mold remediation or sanitization is needed. A mold report from a third party lab can tell us the type of mold present and whether it is at safe levels or above the normal fungal ecology.